EDitorial 10/31/19

Hey, Folks!


I am so far behind this week that I considered not even writing up an Editorial today, but I figured a paragraph or so wasn’t going to put me that much more behind schedule. Why am I behind schedule? Well, it’s a combination of fate and circumstance involving Steve having some minor outpatient surgery requesting him to be out of the store for a couple of days and the fact that Diamond’s computer system went down for a bit this morning. Steve is recovering nicely and is back in the store after being out on Tuesday and Wednesday so I finally got a chance to finish up the final version of the subscription form and that’s when Diamond’s system decided to take a dump. But its all online again and I have finally finished up the sub list. Actually I just remembered that I have a couple of more things to add to it, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.


In any case, I should get to it. I hope that everyone has a fun and safe Halloween, both tonight and this weekend! Watch out for those ghosties and goblins!

