EDitorial 9/17/20

Hey, Folks!


Well, here I am on the cusp of a great adventure to the wilds of northern Michigan! Yes, the rumors are indeed true…starting Friday I will be out of the store and attempting to go on a short weekend vacation! Nothing too strenuous, you understand, but Hill and I will traveling to the UP on order to visit Oswald’s Bear Ranch in Newberry, MI. No, it is decidedly NOT some weird fetish outdoor camp, but an actual park who do the good work of taking in bear cubs whose parents are killed and raise them to be fine, upstanding members of bear society. For those of you who know me best you know I LOVE bears and I can’t wait to be standing right in front of a real live bear and see if there’s some spark of recognition that I am secretly a lost member of the tribe. If there is some magical connection then I fully plan on throwing off my clothes, jumping the barricade, and running off to join my bear-ish brethren in the habitat! Hopefully they will welcome back home with open arms. Maybe I should bring a picnic basket to share with them…


Anyway, so I will be out of the office for the weekend. I know, I know…it’s traumatic for me as well. I hate being away from the store for any length of time. I mean, that’s what happens when you are the motive power to a business. I am already fretting about little things like the subscription form, and my DC FOC deadline, and whether or nor Steve will remember to open the store. Ridiculous, I know. It’s not like I’ve never taken time out of the store, but, with the exception of the shutdown, I haven’t been away from the store longer than a day in many, many moons. I shouldn’t be worried because the system I have in place can keep going from sheer momentum for a day or three. Right…?


While I am away I will NOT be monitoring the Facebook page or Messenger. I simply won’t have the time and I also have no idea what kind of internet situation I’m cruising into this weekend. As a result, feel free to message questions or comments but don’t expect an answer before Tuesday. Also, please understand that any special orders off of the subscription list will be taking a wee bit longer to process and receive then is usual. I will do my best to get the service level up to snuff as soon as I return. Thank goodness it is a small shipment next week!


I wanted to let everyone know that D.C. Comics produced a series of “decades” masks of Catwoman and the Joker to promote their one-shot spectaculars that shipped in a couple of months ago. I ordered these masks for the purpose of handing them out during FCBD, but obviously that didn’t happen. When the masks didn’t appear for the release of the Catwoman/Joker specials I naturally assumed that they had been canceled. Not so…we got them in this week! As a result, if you come in this week you will see a counter covered in Catwoman/Joker masks. Please feel free to take one of each, if you are so inclined. If they don’t go this week I have a feeling that they will end up in the recyclable bin, so take advantage of the opportunity! Take our masks….PLEASE!


Oh, another thing…I ordered what I thought would be a perfectly acceptable amount of the new $9.99 multi-covered Detective Comics #1027. I was wrong. We are almost out of our initial order and I am waiting for emergency reorders to get here. If you ordered a specific cover on the subscription form this week and it is not in your pull, don’t panic. It’s on the way even as we speak. The last time I checked all  the covers, save the blank variant, were still available for reorder so let us know if you’d like one ordered in for you! It’s really no extra trouble and the only drawback is it might take a minute to get here.


I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you next week assuming I’m not eaten by a bear or disappeared by the Blair Witch or Wendigo or something.

