EDitorial 10/8/20

Hey, Folks!


Just a quick note this week as I am already an hour behind schedule getting the subscription form up and running. Ever since D.C. switched distributors and stopped producing a printed catalog I’ve had some difficulties collating and keeping track of special orders. Also, Diamond has a relatively new system of dealing with and shipping backorders and shortages that is a little tricky to death with until I kinda sorta got the hang of it. Anyway, because of new ways and means of keeping track of everything it has taken me a little bit longer to get the sub form ready for you to use and it has put me behind schedule. Of course, I’m almost ALWAYS behind schedule on Thursdays so I suppose this is nothing new.


I want to express my extreme disappointment that the final straw in the Fall new release movie schedule broke the proverbial camel’s back this past week. Dune, my final hope of hosting another Monarch Comics Movie Screening, was pushed back until next year alongside such highly anticipated films as Wonder Woman 84, Black Widow, and James Bond. I was really hoping I could make this a thing in the next couple of months and give some of you the chance to experience a return to theaters with a modicum of safety as well as the fun of going with a bunch of fellow comic book geeks, but, alas, it is not to be. I have been considering whether or not it would be worth it to buy up a couple of showings of “classic” movies for fun, but I am still polling people as to whether this would be something that would interest my customer base. Wonder Woman 84 HAS been scheduled for a Christmas release and I am also still considering buying out a couple of showings for the holiday weekend, but at this point I’m wondering if I should not got any hopes up as I think there is a good chance it will be pushed back again. Also, the fact that it will be less than a week before I take over the store from Steve and I honestly don’t know if I’ll have the time to run a store promotion. Again, if a Christmas Day trip to the theater to see a new movie sounds fun to you then by all means let me know. If there is enough demand for it then I don’t see how I can say “no” to all of you in good conscience…lol.


I hope that everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to having a bit more to say next week now that my new subscription system is in place. It should free up whole MINUTES of my time on Thursdays! 😛

