EDitorial 6/3/21

Hey, Folks!


Well, this has certainly been a weird week. Between the Memorial Day holiday on Monday and the memorial service I attended on Tuesday I’ve been struggling to keep up on the day to day business of running the store. Throw in the end of the month duties and I feel like I’ve been moving double time just to stay on top of everything. Please bear with me folks as I play catch up. This calls for HyperSpeed!


As many of you have noticed by now, the overhead lights in the store have continued their inexorable demise. Currently I have four lights out although they have been tending to switch back on at random points only to dim after a couple of hours. The very nice electrician from Leibe was here this morning and gave me the estimate for repairs and I am now working on getting something scheduled. I am told the repairs will take two days and during this time the store will be in a bit of disarray as racks and other things get moved out of the way to allow the electricians to do their thing. Hopefully by the end of next week Monarch Comics will be equipped with brand new LED lighting! The quote came in less than I was expecting so hopefully I will still be able to get the floors done before the end of the year, but I’m taking it one step at a time at this point as I have now learned the lesson that anything can go wrong at any time…lol.


I’d also like to welcome Brian McMillin to the Monarch Comics family! Brian has been a customer here for years and years and I was excited when he requested a place on the team as my new minion. He started his training on Tuesday and I’m expecting he will be ready for solo stints in the store by next week. There is, of course, a learning curve for all new endeavors, so I hope you will be patient as the two of us work on his training and how he will fit into the Monarch operation!


I haven’t done a Facebook psot on it yet, but I am pleased to announce that I have finally gotten restocked on the modern/current sized polypropolene bags as well as the UltraPro Current Size Comic One-Touch magnetic comic holders. The polypropolene bags will remain at $6.00 for a package of 100. The magnetic holders are priced at $17.99 each. I have also gotten a shipment of small comic boxes in this morning and have more due in by Monday of next week. I am currently out of stock on Current Comic Boards, but I’m hoping to get restocked on these by the end of next week. I can’t wait for the day when comic supplies are easy to restock again.


I received some fun new merchandise in this week as well. The Marvel ROTO Phunny Groot 8IN Plush dolls retail for $14.99 and are basically the most adorable stuffed toy you’ll see this week! We also got it the Star Wars Mandalorian The Child Clapper Night Light for $29.99 and this thing is as aggressively cute as all of the other Grogu merchandise that has been sent down the pike. Please take a moment to check out both items out on the merchandise table!


Okay…that’s all for this week. There’s some other stuff I’d like to blather on about for fun, but it is already 2pm and I know everyone is excited to access the new Subscription list so I will get this stuff posted ASAP. Have a great weekend, Folks!

