EDitorial 4/14/22

Hey, Folks!


Here we are…one step closer to 2022 Free Comic Book Day. You would think that after hosting FCBD for 21 years that I’d be used to it, but I’m afraid that isn’t the way it works. Despite having a staff now to help with the actual event and having the BEST team of cosplayers to make sure all of the visitors have a good time and hiring Card Advertising, the BEST advertising company in the world, I am still filled with anxiety and dread as we get closer to the big day. I will admit that my idea of working with Shivers to offer ice cream did take a lot of work out of the event for me personally as I no longer have to bake a quadrillion cookies and the hiring of the immensely talented photographer Kurt Nielson to handle the photography certainly helps out as well. It looks like the free comics will get here with none of the last minute headaches we had last August to make things more difficult so that’s a big plus as well. Here’s hoping everything stays on track and moves forward with no more problems.


We’ve got another relatively small shipment coming up next week. I’ve been joking about it for two weeks now that the 27th (as well as May 4th) are going to be huge ship weeks and I can now confirm that supposition. Diamond typically has a rough list of what is expected to ship out two weeks in advance and I took a good, long look at the 4/27 list yesterday. It is indeed a doozy and that is without me looking at Lunar’s website for the DC Comics list. So if there is any titles that you have been anticipating or think you may have missed…rest assured they are coming. Make sure you check out the tsunami of new merchandise that has been flowing in for the past couple of weeks. We have a ton of new POP figures, some of which I ordered nearly a year ago and are now finally showing up as well as some other fun stuff.


Thanks to everyone for all the kind words and compliments regarding the new Monarch Comics commercial that I debuted on the Facebook page Tuesday afternoon. I was personally delighted with the end result and once again send HUGE kudos to the staff of Card Advertising for producing such a fun and wonderful TV spot. Seriously, CARD ADVERTISING are an amazing team and you could not find a better company to handle your advertising needs in the Toledo area. Also, thanks again to the Monarch Avengers and their very special appearance in the commercial. We couldn’t have done it without you.


Well, I suppose I should get this posted along with the new Shipping List and Sub Form! I hope everyone has a great weekend and that we finally get some warmer weather with no more rain!


See ya in the Funny Papers!

