EDitorial 7/21/22

Hey, Folks!


Is it just me or is this week moving REALLY fast? I mean, I looked at my calendar and was stunned to realize that I have already made it to Thursday on what has been a very busy week. Between Dad stuff and end of the month stuff and the big sale this weekend (along with getting ready for Hill and I’s Chicago trip for C2E2 and unboxing and figuring out how to play a new board game that I’ve had sitting around for a year) it has been a full itinerary for me. I finally paid off our upcoming Bahamas vacation as well and there are some “last minute” things I need to pick up to get ready as well. Maybe it seems like time is moving faster just because I want to get to my vacation quicker…lol.


I suppose I should mention once again that Monarch Comics will be putting on our very first Christmas in July Sale this weekend (July 22nd-24th). This sale was at the behest of Brian who informed me that with all of the purchasing that I’ve done for back issues in the last couple of months that the back issue boxes are getting a bit tight so I decided to see what kind of reception a summer months sale would garner for us. I mean, when Steve was the owner we didn’t tend to do much sales-wise save for our annual Post-Holiday Sale, so having sales sprinkled throughout the year is kind of an alien concept for me. I am, however, willing to be convinced. So if this sale is popular enough then I will begin instituting a program for more sales dotted throughout the year. For this weekend we will be putting all of our hard covers/trade paperbacks on sale for 25% off cover price (or marked down price), the back issue boxes (located on the back left hand side of the store) will be 25% off price marked, the showcase comics (including the small comic box on the counter) will be 15% off price marked, and the POP vinyl figures will be $2 off price marked! Additionally, I will be here for longer hours on Friday and will be here for at least the first half of Saturday as well just for coverage. Even if this sale WAS Brian’s idea it seemed dirty pool for me to announce a sale and then drop it in his lap. If this sale turns out to be a hit then the next sale will probably be during the week that Hill and I are out of the country. That should be a fun time for Brian!


Brian and I (well, mostly Brian) are currently working on purchasing a couple of new collections right now so make sure you keep an eye peeled to the Monarch Facebook page over the next couple of weeks for some exciting new keys. I would tease them, but that doesn’t seem fair as I haven’t purchased some of the books yet…lol. Hopefully after this weekend there will be plenty of room in the back issue boxes and the showcase to place these new titles.


That’s it for me this week…although I did want to mention that we are getting in many new art comic storage boxes over the next week or two so make sure you take a look around the store when you make your weekly visit so that you don’t miss any of them! I hope everyone is enjoying our current heat wave and I look forward to seeing you at the sale this weekend!

