EDitorial 8/11/22

Hey, Folks!


Well, after last week’s irritating brush with Covid I am officially back in the store. Just to clear up the time line for my unfortunate infection, it was Tuesday evening when I first began to realize the problem. I had worked an 11 hour day on Tuesday and was rushing to get all of my paperwork and general duties completed before Hillman and I took off to Chicago for the weekend and when I got home I did indeed feel pretty worn out. At that point I just assumed that it was all of the hours I had been putting into the store. By 10pm, however, I realized that I was feeling pretty out of it. I took my temperature and it was a whopping 102 degrees and realized what was really happening. I did a at-home covid test and it came back negative, but by the time I woke up even sicker on Wednesday morning I finally registered as infected.


Luckily, the three people I am closest to on a daily basis, Brian, Hill, and my roommate David did NOT get infected by my diseased ass. It was an interminable 5 day wait for this damn virus to burn itself out. And even though the symptoms cleared up quickly enough I am still dealing with the fatigue connected to the illness. So if you see me drooping behind the counter it only the after effects of covid. I am still wearing a mask in the store (or anywhere in public) at this point, but I should be in the clear for no more masks by this weekend.


Anyway, that’s my big stupid covid story. Glad that no one else close to me got it, especially Brian, and glad that it didn’t crap all over the big Bahamas vacation that Hill and I are going on next month. Hopefully we will stay in the clear until after that event.


Have a great weekend, Folks, and I will talks at ya soon!

