EDitorial 9/22/22

Hey, Folks!


Hillman and I have returned from our magical honeymoon adventure! I know I had promised many of you exclusive access to photos and video from the vacation, but internet reliability was sketchy during our time at the resort. I mean, the day we arrived we didn’t have any internet access at all until the next day. We didn’t really get an explanation for it or indication that this was a regular thing for the island or the resort and it wasn’t until day 3 or 4 that we found it that it was apparently careless construction crews that caused the outage. (The island has ONE main road and there were crews working to repave it that knocked something down or something.) In any case, I do have some pics and video that has made it to my personal Facebook page and I am planning on sharing the over to the Monarch page, but I have some serious work to catch up on before I mess around with Facebook much.


In any case, I can’t stress how enjoyable my honeymoon turned out. It was a real dream vacation and I wish that I hadn’t had to wake up from it. Hillman and I spent a week in paradise and despite the costs and waits and the seemingly ENDLESS plane rides I wouldn’t’ trade one moment for all of the 9.8 comics in the world. From the resort service to the swimming with pigs excursion to the absolute wonder of being in the sea every day it was pure magic and there is no one I would have wanted to spend that time with as my new husband. Thanks to everyone with congratulations for our somewhat rushed nuptials…Hillman and I were very moved and thankful to hear all of them.


Getting back into the swing of the store has been…interesting…lol. I worked very hard to make sure that everything was caught up and set up to make things as easy as possible for Brian to cover things while I was out of the country. Brian did an amazing job of keeping things on an even keel and I am very thankful for his help and professionalism. There are A LOT of things that need to be caught up now that I am back and the biggest issue is getting my Diamond initial order ready to upload. I thought I would have a week to do it, but it is actually due 5am Friday morning and I haven’t even started it yet! Normally this would throw me into a serious tizzy, but I am not really worried about it. I’ll get those orders in and won’t have any problem getting my orders filled. It will just be a little more work…😊


Indeed I have basically decided to keep everything going according to my usual weekly schedule, hence focusing on the ship list and sub form first and everything else in descending order of importance. I’m also planning on knuckling down and spending more time in the store this week in order to get as caught u as I ever get in this weekly industry. So if I’m talking to you at the counter and my back is to you or I am furiously banging away at my keyboard it is NOT personal…I’m just desperately trying to catch up…lol.


There were some problems with shortages and damages this week and Brian is handling these replacement copies. If you have any questions about a title that you were apparently shorted in your pull and if there is a book that was released and you wanted a copy, but don’t see it on the rack please do not hesitate to ask about it! Brian will happily help and I will do my best if I am here by myself to figure out the problem. Also, while I am thinking about it, please make sure that if there is a magazine or one of those stupid oversized comics that you have ordered is not in your pull to ask us about them. We have a ton of stuff behind the counter with posty notes attached to them for special order customers and when things start hopping in the store and we have a line of folks at the register it is very easy for us to forget that we are holding something for you that is a weird size.


Okily dolkily…that’s about it for me this week. I keep feeling like these was something else I wanted to mention, but now I am drawing a blank and I really do have to get back to work. Once again, thanks for all of the congratulations and well-wishes and I hope to see everyone this week now that I am back behind the steering wheel!

