EDitorial 2/16/23

Hey, Folks!


Oh, look…another Thursday, another slate grey drizzly bummer of an afternoon! Those comforting warmer temperatures have now begun their steady drop towards freezing again and I have lovely ice-covered streets to look forward to as I head back to our apartment in Sylvania TWP after work! Meanwhile, it’s the beginning of the day and I have an amazingly blank screen with the damn blinking cursor to look forward to as well.


I suppose I should start with March’s catalog situation. We will be getting in Diamond and Marvel Previews in next week, but this time around the DC Connects will not be here until the week of March 1st. As per usual, I will be holding these catalogs behind until we have all three of them to put out at once. No, I still don’t have any idea why these publishers and distributors can’t coordinate it so that all of their damn catalogs come out at the same time, but I do agree that it is extremely annoying. I should also mention that after Diamond’s complete mishandling of my missing January Previews that Monarch will no longer be deeply stocking them anymore. I’ve had it. Between raising the over price to $4.99 and raising my cost to $3 each as well as their increasingly punishing shipping rates (one week recently I calculated my shipping costs from Diamond and it was 23% of my invoice.) it just isn’t paying to stock them. Those of you that use Previews every month to manage your comic collecting will, of course, have access to the catalog and if you’d just like a copy to check out the latest offerings and you miss it then Brian and I will do our best to supply one to you, but the halcyon days of seeing a big stack of Diamond Previews at the front counter are well and truly over. We will still be supplying free copies of the DC Connect and Marvel Previews because the companies who distribute them to us supply them at no cost and little to no shipping charges. It’s the end of an era that began back in the days of my youth, but it is truly coming to an end. It will be interesting to see how long Diamond can last with its lack of customer service and its continue price gouging.


At this point we’ve got almost two weeks left in Monarch Comics Post-Holiday Sale! You have until February 28th to enjoy the discounts on back issues and trade paperbacks! It has been a really successful sale this year and a tradition hat we will continue to carry on with next year. Please enjoy the savings while they last!


Okily dokily…back to work for me. I mean, yes, this IS work, but I have other things that need to be done to keep everything running smoothly…lol. I hope everyone enjoys their weekends and I hope to see you in the store!

