EDitorial 4/13/23

Hey, Folks!


Now THIS weather is more like it! Low 70’s during the day and sunny…mid-50’s at night. Tis is absolutely perfect to me. I know I used to prefer insanely hot and humid days, but that kind of crazy thinking belongs to a significantly younger and thinner man…lol. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me just to be able to prop that front door open and get a chance to experience some of the beautiful Spring weather after that winter crap we just went through. I feel like just sitting here at the counter all day long and just let the warm weather wash over me. Oh, wait a second…I WILL be at the counter all day letting the weather wash over me while doing seemingly endless sub form and FOC work. I think I need to put a baking show on or some Justice League Unlimited episodes to make this day move a little bit faster…lol.


Well, Free Comic Book Day is three short weeks away! We already have most of the comics in the back room although I haven’t started sorting through them yet. I’ve also secured the free ice cream and Photo booth operator for the event and all of the Monarch Avengers will be joining Hill and I for dinner this weekend in order to make sure everyone is on the same page. I will admit that at this point, after participating in FCBD for 21 years that it is far more of a chore than a pleasure, but that’s just grouchy old Ed complaining. I know that once the day gets here and everything is locked in place that I will enjoy it like I always do. This year we will be putting fresh $1 boxes out on the sidewalk again and Brian and I are putting together some good ones this year. Remember, Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 6th, from 11am-7pm, although the cosplayers will only be here between 11am-3pm…😊


So Hill and I went to go see the Dungeons & Dragons movie the other night. I was willing to wait for streaming, but my dear husbear wanted to see it at the theater and I had no problem with it. I liked the film well enough. It was fun and colorful with script, acting, and directing about the level I expected from it. I could have used some more CGI critters running around in the background to really give it that submersive D&D experience, but that’s kind of a minor quibble. The writers did a good job of balancing humor and drama and the cast, particularly Chris Pine and Richard Grant, did a great job keeping the plot moving along in a bouncy and entertaining way. It gets Ed & Hill’s Seal of Approval for what it is worth. Also, give Natahsa Lyonne’s Poker Face a try on Peacock…I kind of liked it.


I also wanted to let everyone know that we do have Current/Modern Resealable Bags back in stock. It is a new brand, CBW rather than Ultra Pro, but I suspect they are pretty much the same quality. They price is staying the same at $10 per bag of 100. I do believe that is the last of basic comic supplies that I have been waiting to get back into stock and I feel like the industry has turned a corner in the post-apocalyptic game of things not being easily available. Of course, I say that now and in two weeks there will be something else we are out of and can’t restock. Let’s just quietly hope that all of the supply chains for comics are back open.


Well, that’s it for me this week. Going to put my head down and get this FOC stuff done, hopefully so I don’t have to take anything home with me tonight. I have recently been bonding with Hill’s aunt’s miniature horsies and I am very muchly looking forward to getting home tonight to feed them apples and pet them. I love horsies…who knew?


Have a great weekend, Folks!

