EDitorial 6/22/23

Hey, Folks!

I’ve got a short note to you this week mostly because the end of the month ONCE AGAIN snuck up on me and I am running around like a skrull with its head cut off trying to catch up and get everything done! After I get this shipping list/sub form running then I’ve gotta get weekly FOC done (I’ve got about half of the process done, but I’ve still got a couple of hours of work to get done), and then I have to finish monthly Diamond orders. You all know how much I love doing those every month. And why is there this sudden rush to get it completed? Well, you see…



I was in the midst of helping a customer (Hi, Ty!) when I noticed there was an inordinate amount of fire and police swarming the area. I poked my head, but didn’t see anything, so I shrugged and went back behind the counter. The another gentleman poked his head in the store and asked if I knew the building behind me was on fire. I rushed back behind the my building and, sure enough, the strip mall behind us that has, among other things, the BMV and Sebastianos was streaming out smoke and open flames. There is currently a battalion of fire trucks hosing down the front of the building. I’m no expert, but it looks like the whole complex is toast, if you’ll excuse the pun. I also didn’t notice any ambulances so I hope that means no one was hurt.

So, anyway, I need to get all of this stuff done quicker because Hill and I are going out of town this weekend and I can’t take the work with me. We are heading down to Columbus to attend our first ever Origins! For those of you not in the know, Origins is a Game Convention that I have never attended and have been very much forward to attending for a couple of years. The Apocalypse, of course, out a crimp in my plans, but on a whim I decided to sign up and head down this year. So while I am carousing with fellow board gamers Brian will once again be heading the Ship of Industry all weekend. I’m leaving him with tons of work to keep him occupied so be kind to him this weekend. I will see everyone when I get back on Monday and then next EDitorial I can explain why I am taking next Weekend off as well…lol.


I’m going to go take one more quick look at the fire and then I will bolt my butt down and get this work done! I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will talk to you again next week!

