EDitorial 7/27/23

Hey, Folks!


My goodness, apparently I missed a big storm yesterday! I mean, yes, it did rain out in the country where I am currently hiding out. I was in the middle of final construction of the sub form when I looked out my new windows and saw that the wind had whipped up a bit and I stood up and saw the pond was being pummeled by rain, but honestly didn’t think much of it. It really is kinda hard for me to hear what is going on outside when all of the fans and air conditioners and audio books playing and the windows all being closed. Hill got home from work and we both went out to feed the horsies their daily apples and we made the hike to the road to check the mailbox when it started to lightly rain. No biggie at all.


Imagine my surprise when I got up and out the door this morning and there were branches down everywhere and one of the pastures had filled up with water! There were a ton more downed branches and stuff all of the way into work this morning and then I started seeing on the news that a lot of actual trees went down and that plenty of people in the area lost power as well. On top of that it STILL 300 degrees outside. Well, I’ve got the air cranked up at the store so feel free to swing by and enjoy the cool a bit if you need to. I just happen to have tons of comics as well.


Can I just take a moment and be quietly thankful that the UPS strike was adverted yesterday? I hadn’t really commented on it much because the thought of it actually happening sent me into an anxiety overload. I mean, the last time UPS went on strike back in ’97 was a nightmare and I had no desire to relive it. Thanks to everyone who had anything to do with fixing the situation and I honestly hope everyone got what they wanted. Monarch Comics would not be able to function without UPS and we appreciate everything they do to make our lives a little easier.


I did read the X-Men Hellfire Gala 2023 Special this week. Um…WHOA. It kicks off the next chapter of the Krakoa epic and it is not called “Fall of X” for nothing. It has been a minute since I read a whole comic book with my jaw hanging open and this year’s Gala bowled me over. It is no exaggeration to say that everything changes at this point. I don’t want to spoil anything else, except I did want to mention that because it had a $8.99 cover price and I have heard many times about how this new comic will change everything I will admit that I ordered somewhat conservatively on the title. We sold out pretty quickly yesterday and I do have more copies coming that will hopefully be here before the end of the week. I have a feeling those won’t be enough either so understand that I will be keeping this book in stock as long as I can because anyone who is a regular Marvel reader is going to love this new start!


Also, small SPOILER ALERT here. Ms Marvel/Kamala Khan makes her return in this one shot. I don’t think it is much of a spoiler as it happens as soon as the issue starts and she is on one of the covers. I won’t go into the specifics, but Ms Marvel is back in time for the new movie and the “Classified” comic that Marvel has been putting in their catalogs for the last two months? That’s the new Ms Marvel miniseries entitles “Ms Marvel New Mutant”. I’ll leave you to figure out how that connects to the Gala…lol.


I am still working hard at getting through the Jersey collection. The last box I sorted through was Superman titles (Adventures/Action/Superman/Superman Man of Steel) from the late 80’s-early 90’s. It started off with John Byrne reboot and goes through the death and return of Superman and a few issues beyond. It was not the sexiest box I’ve dealt with, but that’s kind of the way it goes. I just grab a box off the pile and start putting it in order and then divvying it up between back stock, back issue boxes, and dollar boxes, grade, bag, and price, and finally file them where they go. It is a process and it takes the time it takes. I have put the new back issue boxes on the counter Tuesday afternoon so if you come in the store this weekend you might want to flip through them to see what’s heading out onto the floor in a week or so!


That’s it for me. I should really get my FOC stuff done so that I can get into the next Jersey box. I think it is filled with New Titans, Omega Men, and Suicide Squads. Stay tuned True Believers!

