EDitorial 6/17/21

Hey, Folks!


Well, it is shaping up to be an exciting day at the comic book store! Despite getting a week’s warning from my beloved landlord, I totally forgot about the parking lot resurfacing being done today. It’s not the WHOLE parking lot, but it is the “L” shaped portion that runs in front of all of the businesses. The only entrance to the lot open is the one in the “middle” of the lot as the Eastgate/Key St and Heatherdowns entrances are part of the resurfacing effort. The contractors have also helpfully left a sort of path for folks to get to the shops a few storefronts down from Monarch in front of the chiropractor’s practice. This means you don’t have to walk through a fiery field of lava-like tar to get to your favorite comics this week. The project is meant to be completed by end of business today and by the quickness of their progress I do believe we can bank on it. Still, please be careful passing though the Lake of Tar while approaching the store.


Monarch Comics has new lights! As many of you noticed when you stopped yesterday, we are no longer shrouded in darkness! Instead there banks and banks of brand new LED overhead lights. I can’t tell you how pleased am I by the new look, despite the fact that, as many of you took pains to point out, we can now see how REALLY bad the floor looks…lol. It’s funny…I’ve literally never seen the back room as well lit as it is now! Unfortunately, in regards to the floor situation, I may have to hold off the new vinyl floor until 2022. Sad, yes, but with the shortage of contractor and material availability it might be for the best anyway. Until then, enjoy actually being able to see your books before you purchase them!


Thanks to everyone for the big welcome and show of support to new employee, Brian McMillin. Brian is working out fantastically well and I’m hoping that he eventually becomes as much of a fixture of the store as I became, lo, those many years ago. Because of the marvelous job he has done so far, I will be required to be in the store somewhat less than usual. In fact, my new schedule will have me “out of the office” on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. If you have any questions or requests for me when I’m not here then please feel free to talk to Brian. He can reach if necessary or take messages. I will do what I can to help as soon as possible. In the meantime, I get to start my Friday nights early and I get to sleep in on Saturday mornings!


That’s it for me this week, Folks! Please pay attention to our Facebook feed in the next week as I am planning some posts concerning Free Comic Book Day 2021 that I think you will find quite exciting!


Have a great weekend!

