EDitorial 6/24/21

Hey, Folks!


Well, the store renovations are really starting to coalesce and come together! I’m starting to get a duel feeling of excitement and trepidation as the day comes slowly closer to the quasi-final trans formation. I say “quasi” because the floors will STILL eventually get replaced just not before this year’s Free Comic Book Day as I had originally planned. They may still be replaced before the end of the year, but at this point I’m thinking it will be a “Year Two” project. I’m am very happy with the new lights and the replaced ceiling tiles (thanks to BEST boyfriend in the world, Hillman Crawford, for spending one of his days off getting dusty and dirty changing them out!) and I am currently getting prepared to move the counters and the racks around.


I am currently putting together my plan for the final furniture move. Laibe Electronics have been consulted and they have presented me with a plan to get a power pole installed in the middle of the store that will get power, phone, and internet service to the new counter set up. I am waiting for the part to arrive after which I will be scheduling the technicians to come in and do the job. At this point, I am planning to close shop on a Sunday afternoon in order to move all the furniture around and then I will schedule the electricians to come in on Monday and finish it all with an eye to being open for normal business on Tuesday. I figured this was the best way to handle considering Sunday is a short day for the shop and I am closed on Mondays. I have even ordered new dollies in order to move the counters around (hopefully) easily. So I am putting out the Call of Duty to any customers with strong arms and backs to come in on Moving Day to help me schlep counters and racks around the store. As I mentioned above, I don’t have an exact date yet, but it will be on a Sunday in July. I’ve got two volunteers lined up and I need at least two more people for the job so let me know if you are interested in lending a hand.


Of course, I have often promised and yet not delivered on a Free Comic Book Day post and I am covered in shame about it. I assure you that sometime before the end of the week I will be posting on Facebook the list of FBD titles we will be carrying as well as some details about the event. Due to the pandemic and the fact that it will be taking place in August instead of July there will be some operational changes, but I’m sure that we can still have a great event! Stay tuned, True Believers!


It is an incredibly small shipment next week so I am soliciting some patience in regards to the titles coming in. I may have under ordered a bit on some titles not realizing that they would be released on a week with very few other comics. I’m going to try to play catch up as well as possible and we’ll see how it goes. Additionally, you might consider stocking up on some supplies next week as I have finally secured pretty good supplies of most of the bags and boards as well as the plain storage boxes. I got some good news today from Southern Hobby who have a couple of thousand silver age resealable bags coming in on Monday so those of you who have been waiting for them can get ready to finally get them.


Many of you already were aware that I have successfully opened up and account with Penguin Random House in preparation for them taking over Marvel Comics distribution in October. Well, it turns out that while they are not yet carrying Marvel product, they have a huge amount of DC backlist items currently in stock. As a result, I have begun the time-consuming and expensive process of building back up the store’s graphic novel collection. This has been a big focus of mine for many years as I have always wanted to work/own a bookstore. It has been heart breaking to watch all of my careful work building up the store’s “in stock” trade paper back collection slowly falling to pieces as I sold books and then were unable to restock them. I’m still shocked when new customers come into the store and compliment me on the amount of titles in our stock when I know they would have been far more impressed with how well I was stocked two years ago. In any case, the work begins again and you may notice books coming back into stock that we haven’t had in many moons. If you are looking for something and don’t see it on the rack then please ask either me or Brian about it at the counter. It may simply be a case of the title not coming back into print or it may be a case of me simply missing it or forgetting to check if it has returned to availability. In any case, we will do our best to get you the comics you desire!


Well, I better get back to it. Steve (remember him? Lol) is stopping by soon to pick up recyclables, I still have to throw all of this weekly material online, I have to finish off my June Previews in initial orders, shoot off some e-mails concerning the promotion of FCBD, AND I want to get started painting one of the last three racks I have to do before tackling the New Release rack.


Have a great weekend, Folks!

