EDitorial 2/24/22

Hey, Folks!


Wow…no one informed me that planning a wedding would be quite so involving…lol. Now don’t get me wrong. I am absolutely thrilled that Mr. Crawford said “yes” and I am very much looking forward to the big party that we will be hosting after the big event. I am not even that worried about the cost although there will have to be an ample supply of smelling salts and possible a vanguard of EMT’s to stand by when I get a better idea of the costs involved in matrimonial bliss. The thing that is both surprising and irritating is the amount of nit picky details that we have to decide and submit before a whole host of information is unlocked. I mean, how am I supposed to have any idea of what date to set or how many people will be attending BEFORE I have an idea of how much a venue or catering costs!?! I don’t really understand these things very well, but I am determined to keep this as fun a process as possible. Please excuse me if I start ranting about it here at the store…lol.


Please remember that Sunday, February 28th, will be the last day of Monarch Comics Post-Holiday Sale! It has been remarkably successful this year and I hope that everyone who has been putting off a purchase will tale the time to swing by the store this week and take advantage of the big savings. Just to reiterate, all hard covers/trade paperbacks are 25% off cover or price marked, back issue boxes are 50% off price marked, all the comics in the showcases are 25% off, and there are $2 off of POP figures and puzzles. This will be the weekend for the sale and it will not return until next January so advantage of it now!


Also, I should let everyone know that I have picked up a considerable amount of back issue material in the last month or so and much of that material will be hitting the back issue boxes soon. Back issues of Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and much more will soon be available so make sure you check them out next week.


That’s it for me this week. I’ve got to get my initial Diamond orders whipped into shape and uploaded before the end of business today and I still have to handle the Penguin Random House FOC orders for the week as well. I hope everyone does well during the minor snow/ice storm forecasted for this evening. Have a great weekend!

